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We provide consultation activity in realm of IT and retail.

Ing. Jindřich Hegmon
CEO, Business Consultant
mobile: +420 602 520 069

Ing. Jiří Hegmon
Business Consultant, member of The board of directors a.s.
mobile: +420 605 297 097

Monika Prokopcová
Business Consultant
mobile: +420 725 562 436

Invitation to the general meeting of the company:


Děkujeme Vám, že jste nás kontaktovali. Ozveme se Vám hned jak to bude možné. S přátelským pozdravem Ing.Jindřich Hegmon

We have common activities with our partners

o nás

Together with experienced industrial designers, we have developed the ideal tablet stand to serve as a cash register in a shop or restaurant. We also ship the stand.

With Wincor-Nixdorf we have more than twenty years of cooperation. Since 2014, when Wincor-Nixdorf has taken over Datec's activities, we continue as a company's consultant on existing projects, and we also have a significant role to play in WNI's innovations, particularly in retail.

DATEC Consulting a.s.    |    Roháčova 145/14, 130 00 Praha 3    |    IČ: 25507281    |    DIČ: CZ25507281

Registered in the Commercial Register kept at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, File 20883.

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